Welcome to Joy Garden Creative Center
With great passion and ambition, we specially designed Joy Garden Creative Center with uniqueness and security for all students. At Joy Garden, children will be able to discover their specific interests and have the opportunity to learn outside the home environment. We strive to build each student's self-esteem and self-confidence, along with mastering moral character and personality so that every child will learn how to respect their environment and others.
Based on Montessori Lessons and multi-functional open learning environments, Joy Garden’s curriculum puts emphasis on daily living, literature, math, science, senses, and multi-cultures. In addition, learning bi-language, interacting with music, learning through the arts, and working with computers and operational systems will encourage our children to be creative in a free environment. With this freedom, a child will learn to expand their personal comfort level and strive to become a superior learner.
At Joy Garden Creative Center, each child will live a healthy life full of Joy, Love, Peace, and Hope. With this education, each child will have the confidence and educated background to achieve their highest potential.
~~~~Joy, Love, Peace, and Hope be with you always~~~~
God bless,
Joseph / Joann Lin, Owner